Bendy Power! - thinklab - thinklab

Bendy Power!

Bit ‘off piste’ but thought i’d share this fabulous product with you. I don’t know if your office is anything like ours but with all our gear inevitably comes power requirement. Thus the long tangled jungle of leads and ugly extensions.

Reclaim your outlets with bendy power, a flexible surge-protecting power strip that bends to fit every sized plug or adapter without wasting a single outlet. That means no more plug traffic jams or blocked outlets—even those big ol’ bricks are welcome.

designer power leads

The amount we spend on gadgets and this little number snuggly sitting on the digital shelves of Debenhams! Check this bad boy out – BUY.

Brought to you by Christian Redecen-Davies

Designer. Traveller. Photographer. Purveyor of fine pixels since 1999.

See all posts by Christian Redecen-Davies
